Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Rent arrears letter issued in error? Information Commissioner's Office finds that the Ministry of Justice has breached the Data Protection Act in respect of the Greater London Authority's application to contest the court's jurisdiction (WITH UPDATE 27/1/2016)

County Court at Central London, Royal Courts of Justice

Following our receipt this morning of the rent arrears letter above (issued in error?), Declan has added a subsection to paragraph 37 of his updated complaint to the United Nations that he is currently working on pursuant to Article 19 (freedom of expression) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The new subsection (ii) deals with the Information Commissioner's Office finding last month that the Ministry of Justice had breached the Data Protection Act 1998 by simply ignoring his subject access request for a copy of the Greater London Authority's application to contest the court's jurisdiction (to hear his claim against it for terminating our eligibility for our flat without the right of review or appeal), filed at the Central London County Court on 14 October 2015. That paragraph 37 now reads:

Draft paragraph 37 of Declan's next updated complaint to the United Nations under Article 19 (freedom of expression) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

37. The following three incidents of late serve to highlight the Applicant and his wife's vulnerability through no fault of their own:

(i) On 9 December 2015 the Applicant's wife's laptop was rendered useless for work after it was made technically incapable of publishing material on their Church and State website. She could not use the laptop to create a WordPress post, add images, or click on most of the platform's buttons. This could only have been an attack on her laptop because the platform worked perfectly well on the Applicant's laptop and on an old laptop they use as back up. She had posted videos of the attack to the N4CM blog before the device was mysteriously returned to normal functioning the following afternoon.

(ii) On 16 December 2015 the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) upheld the Applicant's complaint against the Ministry of Justice for breach of the Data Protection Act 1998. The ICO found that the Ministry had mishandled the Applicant's subject access request for a copy of the GLA's application to contest the court's jurisdiction, filed at the Central London County Court on 14 October 2015 (see Annex 18, pp. 45-46).

(iii) In a letter dated 22 December 2015, the Applicant's local MP, Shadow Communities Minister Lyn Brown, stated that she had written to the managing director of Facebook UK seeking an explanation for why Facebook had twice blocked the Applicant's wife from posting to groups and removed all her postings to groups since 2010 (1-4 December and 5-7 December 2015). The Applicant had already issued a European Small Claims Court letter before claim to Facebook Ireland, the entity with which users based outside the USA and Canada have a contractual relationship. Despite the strength of both of these letters, Facebook has subsequently three times blocked the Applicant's wife from posting to groups (6-9 January, 12-15 January and 20-22 January 2016) and twice removed all her postings to groups since 2010 (6-9 January, 12-15 January 2016), and without any stated reason or cause.

[Links added]

This is the annex regarding the Ministry of Justice's breach of the Data Protection Act referred to in paragraph 37(ii) above:

For years we have considered the removal of our flat door in 2012 the most outrageous attack we have ever been subjected to. However, we actually think it was topped with the attack on my laptop referred to in paragraph 37(i) above. What if someone had just bought a laptop for a £1,000 or more? This is one of the photos I posted of the removal of our flat door in 2012:

UPDATE 27 January (12.26pm): Our rent account is not in arrears! This is Declan's email to Family Mosaic this afternoon establishing that their rent arrears letter was issued to him in error:

'Let me recommend an important web site Operating out of London this well-designed and exciting web site covers church-state, population, climate change and other issues. Check it out.' Edd Doerr, President, Americans for Religious Liberty

If you would like to help us personally, please feel free to pick up one of our books (shameless plug, I know, but every sale helps us to work our way out of our precarious situation). There is currently five books available in Church and State Press here, and all proceeds from the first four of these books go to us with the authors' permission. Thank you all for all the support you have given us, and I hope we can keep our Church and State website going despite the constant threats.