Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Email from the director of the WLCHC

This morning Declan eventually got the Civil Appeals Office in the Royal Courts of Justice to provide him with a stamped receipt for his Certificate of Service which confirms that yesterday he served on the Solicitor for the Dept for Work and Pensions/Dept of Health a sealed amended appellant’s notice (following his eventual receipt of the transcript of Judge Walker’s judgment of 11 December).

The last time he had to serve the Solicitor for the DWP/DH – having been given 3 days upon his receipt of the judge's order to file an appellant’s notice, or have his case dismissed – we decided to serve in person. On that occasion, Declan was told at the reception of the Office of the Solicitor (for the DWP/DH) that no form of receipt for post received could be provided, so we decided not to take any chances this time, just in case.

Last night Declan had another eventful night in the Monday rolling shelter at Chelsea Methodist Church, 155a Kings Road, which happens to be the address of the West London Churches Homeless Concern (WLCHC), and also of their day centre. 3 homeless guys decided to have a cut at him – 2 drunks, one of them a Pole, and a Romanian. (Yes, WLCHC runs a very multicultural rolling shelter programme, the majority of its “guests” having consumed alcohol prior to entry at 8.00pm.)

The drunk Pole put his mat in such a way that had Declan not moved away from him, his legs could have become the Pole’s pillow. The other drunk hurled abuse at Declan while he was reading his book by his sleeping bag, and it didn’t bother the guy in the slightest that he did so in front of staff and volunteers. And during the night the Romanian (we call him “Opinions”) moved a chair up against Declan’s feet, just as the homeless woman did with me two nights ago.

Anyway, yesterday afternoon Declan received a reply to his email to the director of the WLCHC. As far as Athienites is aware, there is no one currently in his shelter programme suffering from scabies, which neither Declan nor I find the slightest bit re-assuring in light of the amount of scratching that is still going on. I am sure the churches that are offering their premises to be used as rolling shelters by his organisation will be very relieved though, especially those which during the day revert back to children’s classrooms.

This is the email Athienites sent Declan:

Dear Mr. Heavey,

I am sorry if you have been made to feel anxious at the shelter regarding scabies. As far as I am aware, there is no-one currently in the shelter who has this condition. If you feel unhappy about anyone or any situation in the shelter, the best way forward is to speak to the project manager on duty that night (Danny or Katy) about your concerns, rather than get into any discussion with another guest.

As we are halfway through the shelter season, we will be replacing all the mats in the near future and also aim to provide new blankets. These will be given out as before.

I have also called you today - as requested - and left messages. I hope we can have a chat soon. I plan to be at the shelter on Wednesday this week and hope we can meet then, if needed.

Yours sincerely,

Mike Athienites
Senior Project Manager

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