Friday, January 21, 2011

A4E: Third breach of contract and very serious misconduct

I am tired of blogging about Action for Employment (A4E), a private company that, as the interviewer in the video above points out, has received £300 million of Government training contracts and controls 25% of the long-term unemployment budget for the Department for Work and Pensions. I am also tired of writing to its founder and chairman, Emma Harrison CBE, and so is Declan. This time the company has crossed the line with me, though, and I am now looking at my A4E employment officer, Greg Janiszek, for patently illegal activity, if not criminal:

Click to enlarge

A4E are actually contracted by the Government to help us find work experience: on-the-job training and support consisting of a month of full-time unpaid work. Declan and I are seeking our "work boost" with a premier not-for-profit organisation. Already Janiszek is making excuses ... you would think that with £300 million of Government training contracts this company would have little difficulty providing people with relevant training and support?

Secret Millionaire Emma Harrison goes to Dagenham, one of Britain's poorest areas and home to Europe's largest council estate. A steel worker's daughter, 43 year old Harrison is Britain's richest female entrepreneur.