Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Website brought down as we are about to publish our first book excerpt from a Nobel Prize winner

The illegal surveillance of our activities online hasn’t ceased one bit, despite Declan’s most recent letter just a couple of weeks ago to our MP, Lynne Featherstone, a minister in the Home Office, regarding the on-going interception and manipulation of our email and Facebook’s selection of our IP addresses for special treatment (see blog of 27 January Facebook: Letter to our MP). This time it’s pretty outrageous: Declan was just about to publish our first exclusive book excerpt from a Nobel Prize winner when the MonChurch website was brought down (no kidding). Wordpress says there is no contact with the database and suggests that I check if Siteground’s database server is down, but Siteground is reporting that everything is OK.

Wordpress’s other suggestion is that the username and password in my wp-config.php file is incorrect, which can only mean that somebody has accessed our Wordpress file and changed both details. Yep, that easy! No doubt if somebody did that to a government department or agency, they would be put away for a few years – too bad it doesn’t work both ways. I'm curious to know what kind of warrant is necessary for this sort of assault on basic civil liberties, especially when we are clearly providing an important public service ... Perhaps Minister Featherstone will tell us none!

Declan’s work in Wordpress (Click to enlarge)

Wordpress’ suggestion (Click to enlarge)

Siteground confirming everything is OK (Click to enlarge)