Friday, February 10, 2012

Letter to the Chairman of Companies House

The first time Declan had any dealings with Companies House - the government body charged with registering all companies in the UK, including non-profits - he was told that Network of those Abused by Church was an "offensive company name" (see blog of 17 January 2011 Companies House refuses to register NAC: "Offensive company name"). We have since assumed that the high profile US organisation Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP) would be told by Companies House to change their name if they want the company incorporated in the UK.

This time round it has taken Companies House an entire week to inform Declan that when it comes to annual returns, the Head Office in Cardiff, Wales doesn't acknowledge receipt of documents filed on paper in their London office which are then delivered across the country to them by overnight van. This afternoon Declan's annual return was accepted and placed on the public record, but who's to say they could not have turned around come our deadline next Wednesday and say that they didn't have an annual return from us and therefore they are legally entitled to shut us down. What would happen then is even more concerning: the company Network for Church Monitoring would pass to the Crown because it doesn't have a legal owner, and if Declan wanted it back he would have to get a court order.

There is still the outstanding issue of Declan's dormant company accounts which have yet to appear on the public record:

Click to enlarge

Our Chairman Dr Stephen Mumford's interview with Prof Milton Siegel on Vatican control of World Health Organization population policy.