Saturday, October 19, 2013

Barnsbury Jobcentre responds to Declan's pre-action letter by putting our health and safety at risk

Barnsbury Jobcentre says they have cancelled a third consecutive-day interview with Declan on Monday and re-arranged it for the both of us on Tuesday at 10.25am. Health and safety is a basic human right, and this re-arranged interview is therefore in breach of our human rights: we will have no time to go to the Manna Centre to wash (or shower if one of us gets really lucky), and have breakfast and a hot drink; of course, we won't make it back in time to have lunch either. Declan is seriously regretting not having waited a few days to send his complaint to the United Nations pursuant to Article 19 (freedom of expression) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which he sent last Wednesday before the first of what we were informed would be four consecutive days of interviews. (The fourth interview has now been pushed forward to Thursday but we will have to turn up on Monday at 10.25am anyway, just in case Declan is falsely accused of missing an appointment he has been notified of; so that will be two days without a breakfast, washroom or lunch.)

It would appear that this jobcentre has been tasked with either terminating our Jobseeker's Allowance or forcing one or both of us to sign off and for the sole reason that we are still standing: our first sleeping pitch was fenced off on 16 September (see this blog for photos); one of our bags containing our sleeping bags and other bedding down items was robbed on 29 September (fortunately we had enough money to replace most of our things); and we are subjected to anything up to two hours of an unmerciful racket by cleaners in the early hours of every week-day morning (see here, for example). This is not to mention that we have our bandwidth 'squeezed' no matter what public library we are in, and yesterday we came close to being told that we can no longer access public libraries in the London borough of Southwark (see previous blog)!

We have good reason to be concerned about this jobcentre. After another grilling of almost two hours yesterday - an hour before which Declan handed in a High Court pre-action letter following Thursday's interview (see the letter here) - the jobcentre again refused to stamp or witness this statement:

(Click to enlarge):
This is the complaint to the UN that Declan wishes he had withheld until at least the end of next week: