This blog is hijacked and vandalised
Goodness! I hadn't even finished uploading the previous blog City of London Police in the spotlight, when Declan called to tell me that Friday's blog Broadway Homelessness and Support had been hijacked and vandalised! He was right ... the first graphic I had - a letter that Declan wrote to Broadway requesting they chase up my birth certificate from Madrid (back now) - had been changed without us knowing it.
Of course, I have now changed all my passwords, although I do that quite often. Oh, check my blog of 20 January DISCLAIMER: THIS BLOG IS HACKED for, among other things, a hacker's abuse of one of our Honorary Associates via Skype. At the end of the previous blog I write: "Well, how threatening can a network of those abused by church be that has 33 Honorary Associates, scholars of every sort - scientists, theologians, sociologists, literary critics, philosophers and more?" Well, perhaps the answer is VERY!