Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Letter to the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions

We have to sign on tomorrow morning at our local jobcentre, Highgate Jobcentre Plus, and we are certain there is something there in store for us (see previous blog New email to the chairman and owner of A4E). Basically, Action for Employment (A4E) - a private sector company that has £300 million of Government training contracts and controls 25% of the long-term unemployment budget for the Department for Work and Pensions - wants Declan to amend his existing jobseeker's agreement, dated 26 July 2010, in such a way that would enable them to, among other things, put him in any job of their choosing. According to Section 9(6) of the Jobseekers Act 1995, a claimant can ask for a proposed jobseeker's agreement to be referred to a decision maker, which is what Declan has done. A4E refused (although they have yet to do so in writing), and have even gone so far as to have him removed from their premises by the police (see blog of 3 September Declan's case against A4E on YouTube video; this video is also now in NAC About, where an updated version of it will remain).

Registered letters to the chairman and owner of A4E, Emma Harrison CBE (see blog of 12 August Chairman of A4E in the spotlight) and to the manager of the Jobcentre are not acknowledged - not even when one of A4E's Advisers, the Rt Hon David Blunkett, a former Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, seeks a response! I have already written that if we don't step our game up, we are back to the street (see blog of 26 August A4E seek to have our benefits suspended/terminated with a telephone call), so this is Declan's email to new Secretary of State for Work and Pensions Iain Duncan Smith, the main content of which was dispatched to him by registered post this afternoon in letter format:

And this was delivered by hand to the manager of the Jobcentre, with the original dispatched to her by registered post (the letter Declan refers to here from Blunkett is archived here):

As I stated in the blog of 28 August Perhaps the Department for Work and Pensions will understand YouTube videos, I have started to produce YouTube videos with the intention of reaching out to other targeted individuals, people who, like us, are at the receiving end of covert action. Everybody knows the founder of Wikileaks, Julian Assange, who is at the moment battling allegations of rape - he must be exceptionally good at multitasking! This particular propaganda is already having an effect, and some fellow Wikileaks activists, including an Icelandic parliamentarian, are considering asking him to step down from his role as the group's public face, or ousting him if he won't leave voluntarily. Anybody wanting to know just how effective propaganda is in the control of information and thought, should spend two minutes watching this trailer for the new film Psywar.

Psywar Trailer from S DN on Vimeo.