Declan’s emails are censored
This morning Declan had to lodge yet another complaint with The Big Issue head office (see blog of 25 July “Letter to the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of The Big Issue”); this time on my behalf – the Big Issue is a magazine sold by homeless people on registered street pitches. It is 7.20am when this rough sleeper drops his travel bag and rucksack a few feet from me and tries to bully me into leaving my pitch, which I have had since December 2006. When I don’t leave – the guy is so pushy I have to tell him to leave me alone – he sits on his travel bag, keeps talking to me (no, better, shouts at me), and finally begins to try and sell his Big Issues.
The vast majority of the emails that I am sending to scientists and academics inviting them to sign Declan’s petition to the UN, in support of therapeutic cloning and the use of stem cells for research and for the treatment of disease, are still being unceremoniously dumped into spam: last Saturday I sent 201 emails and all I got was 14 out-of-office autoreplies (see the previous blog “Sex, Science and Stem Cells”); and yesterday afternoon I sent 190 emails and got six out-of-office autoreplies. As I explained in the blog of 2 August “I am urinated on in the porch”, the number of out-of-office autoreplies is my best indication as to whether Declan's emails are going to inboxes or spam: two or three autoreplies within a batch of 10 would be a good indicator of the former.My six Out-Of-Office AutoReplies
Over 30 emails were sent to scientists in Newcastle University, from which we have several distinguished signatories, but I only received one autoreply – we have an eye on Newcastle and Durham Universities because the British Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority has granted the North-East England Stem Cell Institute, a collaboration between the two universities, permission to recruit human egg donors (see blog of 16 July “Therapeutic cloning: Researchers back bid to pay egg donors”). I then tried my luck elsewhere and went for New York State, and emailed, among others: Columbia University, State University of New York, New York Medical College, Sloan-Kettering Institute, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (from where the first Nobel laureate to sign Declan’s petition comes), The Rockefeller University, and Yeshiva University. Still no luck – of 160 or so emails all I got was five autoreplies. Clearly the American Dream – the belief in the freedom that allows people to achieve their goals in life through hard work – doesn’t apply to us. Oh well.
On 10 August, the Catholic News Agency reported that at their 126th Supreme Convention in Quebec City, the Knights of Columbus approved resolutions calling for the legal protection of marriage and asking Catholics holding elected office to “be true” to their faith by acting “bravely and publicly in defense of life” – the Knights of Columbus, headquartered in Connecticut, is the world's largest organisation of Catholic laymen with more than 1.75 million members, and is often referred to as the "strong right arm of the Church". In one resolution, the Knights advocate building a “culture of life” and opposing “any governmental action or policy that promotes abortion, embryonic stem cell research, human cloning, euthanasia, assisted suicide and other offenses against life”. Knights of Columbus delegates also exhorted “our fellow Catholics who are elected officials to be true to the faith they claim to profess by acting bravely and publicly in defense of life”. Such officials, the resolution advised, should affirm with Pope Benedict XVI that “there can be no room for purely private religion”.
Diana DeGette, six-term Democrat Congresswoman from Colorado, and a chief architect of the stem cell research bill that was twice vetoed by President George W Bush, is the author of the new book "Sex, Science and Stem Cells: Inside the Right Wing Assault on Reason", which exposes the politization of science by the right wing in the US Congress and the heavy influence of the religious right. On 5 August, she told the Scientific American: “I think they want to have a society where it’s really God’s will whatever happens. That’s all well and good within their own families: they can structure their family that way. But, when you're talking about public policy, it's a very big waste of money and it's very dangerous to public health. Teen pregnancy went up last year.” I doubt any Knights of Columbus will read her book; but then, on 8 August, DeGette herself told “The book is not targeted at opponents, because frankly I don't think I will ever convince them. I wrote it for the 87 percent of Americans who think public health policy should be based on sound science."
For the record, this is the email Declan sent this afternoon to the Big Issue outreach manager further to the formal complaint he lodged this morning:
Subject: The Big Issue
Dear Mr Paul Joseph
In your email to me this afternoon you state the following in respect of my formal complaint in writing against Big Issue vendor 4012:
I am sorry to hear about this situation. We have already received a complaint about the same vendor begging. He has a trainee badge but will not be issued a permanent badge or supplied with magazines. I will also endeavour to speak to local police so that if they catch him they can confiscate his badge.
You do not state in this email whether the same vendor will be debadged for begging or because he did so with a Big Issue badge.
As you are aware, my wife spent several weeks at the beginning of this year begging in Liverpool Street Station, and for which she received several police tickets. On 18 June, I wrote the following to you:
Previous correspondence refers. I wish to confirm that my wife (badge no. 1170) and I are unable to buy any Big Issues today, at the very least. My wife will in fact be begging tomorrow morning to earn enough money to post my second Request for Priority to the European Court of Human Rights under Rule 41 of the Rules of Court. This morning all our money and documents were robbed in the Dellow Centre (fortunately we each retain copies of all our documents on memory sticks and CDs), crime reference number 4215697/08. We hope to get back to selling the Big Issue as soon as we are in a position to buy your stipulated "minimum" of two magazines.
This afternoon I only had the money to buy two Big Issues for resale. I would, therefore, be much obliged if you would please clarify.
Yours sincerely
Declan Heavey
Badge no. 1163