Monday, July 04, 2011

A4E raises a third 'sanction doubt' against Declan

Action for Employment (A4E) is a private company that has received £300 million of Government training contracts and controls 25% of the long-term unemployment budget for the Department for Work and Pensions (see the video in the previous blog A4E raises a second 'sanction doubt' against Declan). Our one-year lease is up for renewal in three weeks time and it would appear that the DWP have the A4E office we were allocated some time ago under particularly strong pressure to make it as easy as possible for our jobcentre to terminate our benefits. This includes making false statements against Declan, to such an extent that last Friday he was forced to report his highly abusive A4E Advisor Lola Olowu-Worth to the police:

My written statement for PC EK7134 of Kentish Town Police Station:

"I wish to report my Camden A4E Advisor Lola Olowu-Worth for engaging in conduct which I believe to be criminal, involving racial discrimination. This afternoon Ms Olowu-Worth has written of her intention to raise a third sanction doubt against me with my jobcentre, Highgate Jobcentre Plus, based on a document she has drawn up which, among other things, falsely reports my views. When I informed Ms Olowu-Worth that she is engaging in what I believe to be criminal conduct by falsely reporting my views (like I was an Irish Mick), she replied: 'Good luck with that!' I request that this matter be investigated by the Metropolitan Police and that I be afforded the opportunity to adduce into evidence my e-letter this evening to my MP, Ms Lynne Featherstone."

Declan Heavey 1/7/2011 5.30pm

According to PC EK7134, the only racial abuse he heard was "you describing yourself as an Irish Mick", that there had been no crime, and that there would be no report.

And this is Declan's email this afternoon to our MP, Equalities Minister Lynne Featherstone:

Click to enlarge

The fact of the matter is that we are surviving here week by week. If Declan wasn't prepared to make complaints and lodge documents in the courts, as I keep registering in this blog, we would have been back to the street a long time ago. See here, for example, his latest complaint against the Administrative Court Office of the High Court for their handling of his case against our jobcentre, Highgate Jobcentre Plus; and here for his latest recording with the Tribunals Service of the payment of our rent by Haringey Council. Declan also has Highgate Jobcentre Plus in the Central London County Court, and last Friday registered with that court a request for judgment.

To top it all, we lost our internet connection again today and have no idea when or if we will get it back (see blog of 23 May Are we back to being 'squeezed' in public libraries?). As this graphic shows (see tabs at the bottom), when we lost our internet connection in the flat, I was studying how to draft a Letter of Inquiry to funders of non-profit organisations to obtain an operating support grant (we are seeking £21,000, which will keep us and Network for Church Monitoring going for at least a year):

Click to enlarge