Friday, September 16, 2011

Our live-in landlady threatens illegal moves against us

This morning our live-in landlady, human rights activist Belinda McKenzie, put under our door a receipt for the rent I paid on 26 August for the previous month together with a note stating that next Thursday she was going to deal with Declan’s claim for housing benefit, without his authorization. (On 17 August Belinda served us with 6 months notice backdated almost a month, and last month Haringey Council left us with an unprecedented £77 shortfall in rent to pay out of the £211 we receive every two weeks in jobseeker’s allowance). Perhaps Belinda is just not aware, but this of course is an illegal practice which, if it were deemed acceptable by housing authorities, would leave recipients of housing benefit at the mercy of landlords. A landlord doesn’t like a tenant? No problem – all he has to do is ask the local housing authority to stop that tenant’s housing benefit! Declan wasted no time getting back to Belinda on this:

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Belinda is not your usual landlord: apart from being involved with the Iranian community for more than 20 years, she is also active in the Stop the War Coalition, Hollie Demands Justice, and abuse in the Church, among other causes. She also had MI5 whistleblower David Shayler living in one of the rooms below us for a couple of years, until 2007 more or less. According to the BBC, Shayler "caused the biggest crisis of official secrecy since the spy catcher affair"; in 2002, he went to jail for seven weeks for breaking the Official Secrets Act. By around 2007, he was successfully neutralised: he changed his name to Delores Kane, declared himself to be Jesus, and became a squatter. A New Statesman article dated 11 September 2006 featuring Belinda and Shayler gives no indication that he believed he was the Messiah at that time; whilst a Daily Mail interview with Shayler explicitly shows that he believed himself to be Jesus by June 2007.

Human rights activist Belinda McKenzie speaking at the UK Rally against child abuse, 4 June 2011, Trafalgar Square

We would love to know how Belinda does it.