I'm sure one of us will end up in hospital before we get a flat
Talks of a Rough Sleepers Initiative (RSI) flat for us began back in January but I am more convinced than ever that one of us is going to end up in hospital (or in a prison cell) before this flat becomes available to us, despite the voice message Declan received yesterday morning from the Single Homeless Project (SHP):
The Housing Association are willing to sign you up with your current income, etc; they would like to see a claim launched before they hand the keys over. However, the property is in void status at the moment, which means they are turning it around - basically about a month's turnaround; they are a week or so into it. So it's going to be a few weeks, probably 2 or 3 weeks until the property is available and obviously we need to arrange a viewing and see whether you want it.
Our SHP caseworker then informed us later in the day that he is going on annual leave for two weeks and we now don't know if this means we cannot make the claim for Housing Benefit that the Housing Association is calling for. We are keen to get things moving as fast as possible because the West London Churches Homeless Concern winter rolling night shelter programme ends on 10 April, and then we are facing incarceration for rough sleeping in the Barbican estate, which is owned by the City of London (public property), for want of a place to safely sleep following the fencing off of our previous sleeping pitch in December 2013. But of course, before we are arrested we are looking at some form of violent attack (see blog of 1 January, "Declan calls into Bishopsgate Police Station for a crime intel report"). So this is Declan's email to our caseworker this morning: