Our articles are vandalized on Facebook
This is not the first time that we have discovered that our articles are being vandalized on Facebook (see, for example, blog of 13 November 2014, "Now the photo selected by Facebook is not the one that appears on Facebook"). This morning when I shared on our Network for Church Monitoring (N4CM) page the eye-opening article "Pope Francis and the Dirty War – Part I", I had to do so with the title and description gone:
When I share it on my personal Facebook wall or anywhere else, I get the same thing - no title and no description:
I first posted this article on 29 March, so I have been able to track it down on my personal wall. There was nothing wrong with it then:
I also made a screenshot of the article a few days after I shared it on the N4CM page on 29 March. Amazingly, I can't find this article anywhere on the page now. Again the title and the description can be easily seen:
Related Post: Our Facebook "Like" counter is reduced in number and frozen after I post link in this blog to "How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate, Deceive, and Destroy Reputations" (WITH UPDATE)
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If you would like to help us personally, please feel free to pick up one of our books (shameless plug, I know, but every sale helps us to work our way out of our precarious situation). There is currently five books available in Church and State Press here, and all proceeds from the first four of these books go to us with the authors' permission. Thank you all for all the support you have given us, and I hope we can keep our Church and State website going despite the constant threats.