Our problems with Facebook continue: They say I have shared a post that may be considered "insensitive or cruel" (WITH UPDATE 4/1/2017)
Bet the Pope has no trouble posting on FACEBOOK and his "insensitive or cruel" opposition to the use of safe voluntary methods of family planning including the right to abortions makes me wonder at the consistency of the criteria FACEBOOK uses to make its judgments. Of course FACEBOOK has such a right as a private service provider, but one can only point out that the diversity of views expressed by FACEBOOK users must include those which encompass family planning, whose availability helps avoid such "insensitive or cruel" moments in a woman's life when faced with an unwanted pregnancy which could have so easily been avoided with modern contraception. Go figure, FACEBOOK.
Donald A. Collins, President of ISAF, Washington DC

RE: Facebook
Following 17 Facebook blocks since 1 December 2015.
For the attention of Mark Zuckerberg, Chairman, Chief Executive and Co-Founder of Facebook:
31 December 2016
Dear Facebook,
This morning I couldn't gain access to your website without first getting past the following notice:
Your post was reported
Someone you've shared this post with reported it to us for review.
We've reviewed the post and found that it follows the Facebook Community standards, but may be considered insensitive or cruel. You may want to consider removing the post or limiting the audience you share posts like this with.
Please can you tell me what post I should review?
Yours faithfully,
Lola Heavey
Network for Church Monitoring
'Let me recommend an important web site churchandstate.org.uk. Operating out of London this well-designed and exciting web site covers church-state, population, climate change and other issues. Check it out.' - Edd Doerr, President, Americans for Religious Liberty
Related blog post: Facebook's 17th block against our Church and State website since 1 December 2015 (WITH UPDATE - DAY 7 15/12/2016) This is a link to my blog post of 9 December. "Glad you compiled this odious record of mistaken blockage. What possesses the site? Surely after multiple postings they must know your content is neither lewd nor extreme," writes Don Collins, President of the International Services Assistance Fund, Washington, DC. Don often sends us material to publish on our Church and State website.

Facebook UK Managing Director Steve Hatch

Our 90 Honorary Associates include Nobel laureates Philip W. Anderson and the late Sir Harold Kroto. This month 19 notable scholars from around the world have given Declan permission to add their names to our list of associates.
UPDATE 4 January: Facebook still have not identified the post I shared that they say may be considered "insensitive or cruel". They never responded to any of the previous 17 block appeals I made this past year so I am not surprised really; in fact, to the best of our knowledge, Facebook UK Managing Director Steve Hatch never replied to Shadow Home Office Minister Lyn Brown (see her letter above). Perhaps the post Facebook is referring to is our Article of the Week that has received 1/2 million social recommends and 654 comments to date:

Cardinal Burke: Gay couples shouldn’t be invited to family gatherings if children are present
There can be no doubt that it is "insensitive or cruel" to say that gay couples shouldn't be invited to family gatherings if children are present. But I didn't say that. Cardinal Raymond Burke did!
'Let me recommend an important web site churchandstate.org.uk. Operating out of London this well-designed and exciting web site covers church-state, population, climate change and other issues. Check it out.' - Edd Doerr, President, Americans for Religious Liberty