Wednesday, February 17, 2021

At long last Declan has gotten through to a Nobel Laureate and he wishes to sign on as an Honorary Associate of Church and State. This brings the number of Nobel Laureates on the site to 60 and those who have signed on as associates to 18

I wish to sign on as an honorary associate of church and state.

From a Nobel Laureate yesterday

Our Church and State website has no less than 60 Nobel Laureates on it despite the never-ending assault on our email; see paragraph 2 under "Church and State" on this blog's sidebar (updated today).

It has been weeks since we have been able to send an email directly to a close colleague in Washington, DC.

16 February 2021

Dear Prof. ...,

My wife and I run a website in London called Church and State at

As well as prominent atheists, there are no less than 59 Nobel Laureates on the site, 17 of whom signed on as Honorary Associates. Our list of 288 associates also includes 11 recipients of the U.S. National Medal of Science and 12 knighted professors. Nonetheless, we are engaged in a life and death struggle for survival (my wife's blog post about this is here). We had 2.5 million hits last year - about 70% from Americans - despite Facebook's unfair practices.

We are a nonprofit, called Network for Church Monitoring, that works toward supporting secular governments and the separation of church and state. We recognise that some religious people cannot refrain from trying to use government to impose their beliefs on everyone and believe that a lack of separation is detrimental to scientific progress. We deal with the publication of issues significant to social policy in a number of key areas, e.g., climate change, population, futurism, atheism, and free speech. Please may I add your name to our list of Honorary Associates? There are no obligations with this whatsoever.

Network for Church Monitoring welcomes support from all of those who share its general objectives and goals, without concern for agreement on each and every aim. Our Honorary Associates do not therefore necessarily endorse every position advocated by us, but endorse our efforts to expose the public to the scientific perspective on crucial issues of public policy. (

Thank you in advance for your consideration of this invitation.


Declan Heavey
Managing Director
Network for Church Monitoring

17 February: Peabody Trust (day 2): Declan has been advised to be available from 8am to 8pm daily until such time as the appointment they missed yesterday has been cancelled. They say they have the power to shut off our home gas supply for a missed call out (previous post)

"Let me recommend an important web site Operating out of London this well-designed and exciting web site covers church-state, population, climate change and other issues. Check it out." Edd Doerr (1930-2020), (then) President, Americans for Religious Liberty