Friday, April 02, 2021

The assault on our Church and State email that never ends. Almost certainly my email yesterday to a close colleague in Washington DC has been blocked. How many emails will be blocked today?

Our Church and State website has no less than 61 Nobel Laureates on it despite the never-ending assault on our email; see paragraph 2 under "Church and State" on this blog's sidebar (updated today).

I am truly appalled by the unlawful violation of the Heavey's basic right to send and receive email without interference. I would be most grateful for anything you may be able to do by way of taking measures to correct this gross abuse.

An American professor to then Home Office Minister Lynne Featherstone in 2010

The group targeted above was US National Medal of Technology and Innovation laureates. These national medals are presented by the President of the United States on behalf of the American people, and are among the highest honours in the nation for professional achievement.

At the end of last month, for the first time in weeks, we were able to get an email directly to a close colleague in Washington, DC. But emails from us to this colleague continue to be blocked on an on-off basis and more off than on these past three weeks. Among Declan's blocked emails last month was his reply to the 19th Nobel Prize laureate to accept his invitation to be listed as one of our Honorary Associates. Declan writes: "[W]e are engaged in a life and death struggle for survival (my wife's blog post about this is here)." The link is to my updated post today about the Equality and Human Rights Commission's refusal to accept a referral of discrimination from Lyn Brown MP. We continue to battle through the never-ending assault on our email, which is worse this year than it has ever been. We have never gone weeks on end without being able to communicate directly with one person by email.

30 March: Pixsy (day 140): I have found Declan's Motion to Dismiss to fight their threatened court action in an article titled "Defense Against the Dark Arts of Copyright Trolling". No sooner had we heard from them than they were named and shamed by Computer Weekly and it's a truly sickening read

From My Picks:

30 March: The Equality and Human Rights Commission have advised Lyn Brown MP that they will not accept a referral from her. Why must the Commission's helpline (EASS) distort Declan's claim of discrimination against the landlord?

Our list of 297 Honorary Associates includes 19 Nobel Prize laureates, 13 US National Medal of Science laureates, 4 US National Medal of Technology and Innovation laureates and 12 knighted professors notwithstanding the excessive targeting of these categories of emails in particular. (Last month we had the honour of listing as associates two US National Medal of Science laureates and a fifth Turing Award laureate. The Turing Award is generally recognised as the highest distinction in computer science, or the "Nobel Prize of Computing".)

"Let me recommend an important web site Operating out of London this well-designed and exciting web site covers church-state, population, climate change and other issues. Check it out." Edd Doerr (1930-2020), (then) President, Americans for Religious Liberty