Saturday, March 26, 2011

Interception of emails: Home Office minister advises Declan to find himself a solicitor

Home office minister Lynne Featherstone

In February Declan received his third letter from our MP, Lynne Featherstone, a minister in the Home Office, regarding the interception of our emails. Initially she said she would try to prompt a response into why we are encountering these problems (see blog of 20 June 2010 Interception of communications: Our MP responds). Almost a year later, she is recommending that Declan finds himself a solicitor. What she appears to be saying, however, is that the Home Secretary hasn't issued a warrant and that the on-going interception and manipulation of our email - this week we received undelivered emails in our spam box! - is unauthorised and unlawful:

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This is particularly concerning because last Saturday I uploaded a statement to our website for President Obama and members of Congress about forest funding and we are seeking the endorsement of scientists and economists from around the world. In light of our on-going difficulties with email, we believe that our only chance of success is to aim for the endorsement of 30 or 40 leading experts in the field of climate change, and to get through to as many as we can by email with use of the phone. Declan's petition to the United Nations regarding therapeutic cloning has been signed by no less than 28 Nobel Laureates as well as hundreds of other distinguished scholars, but it took years and the manipulation of email got so bad that last April Declan had to shelve it (see blog of 20 January, A4E refuse me a Journey Plan, which contains an open letter from a distinguished American professor who last April was "truly appalled by the unlawful violation of the Heaveys' basic right to send and receive email without interference").

Another reason why we can't send personalised emails in their hundreds is because there is a high probability we would lose our website. In 2008, we lost our original site due to a Spamcop report that was drawn up the day after the Home Office denied that a warrant had been issued to intercept our communications (see blog of 14 March 2008 SpamCop reports Declan as a spammer). Only last month, I titled a blog Website brought down as we are about to publish our first book excerpt from a Nobel Prize winner, so somebody is trigger happy!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

A4E threaten Declan that they will have our benefits terminated with immediate effect because he won't accept a 'work boost' in a supermarket

Action for Employment (A4E) is a private company that has received £300 million of Government training contracts and controls 25% of the long-term unemployment budget for the Department for Work and Pensions (see the video in the previous blog My A4E advisor accuses me of racial abuse). A4E have been trying to have our benefits terminated for some time now and since February all my blogs have been about this company with the exception of just one blog, Website brought down as we are about to publish our first book excerpt from a Nobel Prize winner. Every time we have to attend an interview in A4E Camden, more or less every two weeks, there is some outrageous play - even though Declan has been constantly writing by email and registered post to A4E founder and chairman, Emma Harrison CBE. This is Declan's email today to the regional director of A4E for the south of England, copied to Harrison (he will be writing a full-blown letter to Harrison tomorrow under the Jobseeker's Act 1995, copied to several people in the Department for Work and Pensions, including the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions):

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I have now been assigned a new employment officer and even before my first interview with Sophie Nzegwu, she was setting me up to lose my benefits: it is actually a mystery how this letter of hers calling me to an interview arrived in the post at all (my post code is N6 5QU, not N19 3BX):

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Declan has a busy time of it tomorrow. On top of having to write to Harrison, he also has to fit in writing to the Leader of Haringey Council, Cllr Claire Kober. The Council claimed earlier this month that they had overpaid our housing benefit by £130 and, despite that Declan sent them documentation proving this claim to be false, on Tuesday we discovered they had unceremoniously docked us £30 - quite a hit in the circumstances. In February 2010, Kober wrote to Declan, stating: "I was sorry to read of the problems you have incurred in trying to claim Housing Benefit. I have asked that the complaints team send me a copy of their response and hope that this matter is soon resolved."

Declan is well used to relentless harassment and is completely unfazed by this latest escalation (for more on the different kinds of harassment we have been weathering, see the About us page in the MonChurch website, which includes a no-nonsense video of Declan taking on A4E outside an office of theirs last September).

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

My A4E advisor accuses me of racial abuse

Action for Employment (A4E) is a private company that has received £300 million of Government training contracts and controls 25% of the long-term unemployment budget for the Department for Work and Pensions. This afternoon my A4E Camden employment officer, Greg Janiszek, accused me of racial abuse and told me he would find a member of staff to corroborate his allegation - Janiszek has created a four-page track record under my name and behind my back which is slanderous and inaccurate and has tampered and alerted a document I signed back in September, so it's not like I am all that surprised. This is Declan back to the founder and chairman of this company, Emma Harrison CBE:

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Of all the exhibits we have collected on this company since we started up with them in July, this has to be one of the most absurd:

My statement for PC EK7109 of Kentish Town Police Station:

"This afternoon I had an interview with my A4E Camden employment officer, Greg Janiszek. During the interview Janiszek accused me of offending him and claimed I had called him 'Pollack' and 'thick'. He said he was sure he would be able to find another member of staff to corroborate my use of these two words. His accusation took place after he kept asking me over and over again why I didn't attend a Terrence Higgins Trust workshop on 26 February regarding my intention to volunteer for them for a few hours a week. I totally refuted his allegation of racial abuse and told him he had no credibility whatsoever in the context of my husband's High Court action involving A4E. To this he responded 'uh' (as in 'really?') and grinned."

It was PC EK7109's opinion that the police wouldn't be coming to our flat any day soon to arrest me!

Declan is also waiting to hear from Mr Justice Sycamore of the High Court (see blog of 3 December 2010 By Order of Mr Justice Sycamore Declan resubmits his claim for judicial review). Yesterday the Court informed Declan that papers went to a judge on 21 February, so we ought to be hearing from one any day now. We have actually been writing to Harrison since last August, week in, week out, about one thing after another. Little did we know when we started up with this company that we would be dealing with so much skulduggery.