Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Website brought down

The Investigatory Powers Tribunal (IPT) website should warn citizens that if they decide to lodge a complaint against the Intelligence Services or a public authority they should expect things to happen. Last Saturday, within three days of Declan's dispatch of the complaint above regarding the interception of our communications and unlawful directed surveillance, Facebook suspended my ability to post on FB Page walls, alleging without foundation that I was a spammer (see previous blog). This afternoon, our website was brought down without warning:
Click to enlarge

I have only just learnt from our web host, SiteGround, that for the first time since they began hosting our site in December 2010, their firewall blocked my IP address. This is my email tonight asking them to investigate:
Click to enlarge

This is not all. This morning Declan took a trip to the bank to discover that Haringey Council will be leaving us with an unprecedented £76.92 shortfall in rent to pay this month, despite that Declan has them before the Tribunals Service (the latest from the Clerk to the Tribunal is archived here). The only bit of good news in all this is that after I emailed our live-in landlady Belinda McKenzie to remind her again that she has to give us a new rental agreement (the last one ran out on 26 July), she emailed me back saying she was on it. Well, hopefully this is good news!