Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Newham Ability Camp (Special Olympics GB): Declan's voluntary position working with children and adults with learning disabilities twice a week since 13 June 2018 is terminated with immediate effect

5 September 20018

Dear Declan,

Thank you for your emails and my sincerest apologies for the delay in responding.

I'm really pleased that you've completed your DBS and are now able to volunteer in local clubs / organisations.

Unfortunately we can no longer offer you a place volunteering at the Newham Ability Camp.

There is a new Principal here at the college and as such we have been given greater requirements to directly link the College students who are studying Sport and Leadership here at the College, with volunteering opportunities in our partnership clubs.

As the College offers the club a 50% discount on the facility hire The Newham Ability Camp is now bound by an agreement that all additional volunteers at the club are sourced directly from the College student body in order to develop them further.

I'm very sorry this means that we can no longer have you involved at the Newham Ability Camp as a volunteer, as the club's financial security is dependent upon us honouring our agreement with the College.

Perhaps now you have your UK Athletics Level 1 Coaching License you can explore further volunteering opportunities in this field.

I would highly recommend contacting Colin King at the Bromley by Bow Centre, as they run a Para-Legacy Agents programme which is designed specifically for this purpose and you are already on the right track.
07460 862886
020 8709 9713

We wish you all the best for the future.

Kindest regards,

Beth Harris
Treasurer / Secretary Newham Ability Camp

17 August 2018: UK Athletics: Has UKA Welfare cost Declan his voluntary position with children and adults with learning disabilities? (WITH UPDATE 18/8/2018)