Thursday, April 18, 2019

This afternoon Declan has emailed 12 Nobel laureates using Mailtrack. Not one email has been read. Tonight he will email 50 out of 100 venture capitalists (WITH UPDATE 19/4/2019)

Our Church and State website has no less than 57 Nobel Laureates on it; for details, see this blog's sidebar under "Church and State" (updated today).

17 April: Facebook: The social network's 58th block against our Church and State website since 1 December 2015, and with no explanation as usual (WITH UPDATE - DAY 2 18/4/2019)

Update Summation 19 April 2019

12 emails to Nobel Laureates, 10 unread (2 read)
50 emails to venture capitalists, 24 unread (26 read)

30 December 2018: Our emails now are getting through to no one, not to Nobel laureates or even our closest colleagues. Declan will keep trying to get through to Nobel laureates with the use of his mobile phone (WITH UPDATE 19/4/2019)

As of 19 April at 12.42pm

'Let me recommend an important web site Operating out of London this well-designed and exciting web site covers church-state, population, climate change and other issues. Check it out.' Edd Doerr, President, Americans for Religious Liberty