Newham Council: Today we learn that Declan lost 32 hours of volunteering earlier this month due to technical issues. We are still left asking, "What's next from the Council?"
We are delighted to offer support to such a great site!!
Our Church and State website has no less than 59 Nobel Laureates on it despite the never-ending assault on our email; see paragraph 2 of this blog's sidebar under "Church and State" (updated today).
Declan has commenced court proceedings against the Mayor of London-commissioned St Mungo's in the County Court at Central London in the Royal Courts of Justice.
This morning Declan learnt off-the-record that earlier this month he lost 32 hours of volunteering at Newham Council due to technical issues. Following this email from the Executive Assistant to Althea Loderick, Chief Executive of Newham Council, we are still wondering will Declan next have to complain to the Complaints Department about how his complaint about volunteering at the Council has been handled and whether such a complaint would fall within the remit of the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman.
13 January 2020
Dear Mr Heavey
On behalf of Althea Loderick, Chief Executive (London Borough of Newham) thank you for your email. Your email has been raised as a further complaint so the matter is dealt with in line with the Council's procedures. They will ensure a response is sent to you in due course. Please note the Corporate Director of Adults and Health, Colin Ansell has been advised.
Thank you.
With regards, Bonita
Bonita Turner Executive Assistant to Althea Loderick, Chief Executive
London Borough of Newham
11 January: Volunteering at Newham Council: Declan's complaint about the reduction of the volunteering he has done by 32 hours and more besides
In addition to travel expenses from Limelight Sports, Declan has not been receiving his joining instructions from Newham Council (Active Newham) for events of late; see my post of 27 December 2019, How many months will it take Limelight Sports to reimburse Declan's travel expenses for voluntary work? The Mayor of London-commissioned St Mungo's has made his volunteering at Newham Council highly relevant to court proceedings. Declan only received his travel expenses from Limelight Sports on Monday. This took three months, two reminders and an intervention by the Group's chief executive. He has also been informed by the Council that going forward he will have to wait for up to 90 days for his volunteer hours to be loaded on their system; see my post of 2 January, Newham Council: The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman will not investigate Declan's complaint of unfair treatment because it pertains to his voluntary work at the Council.
For the attention of Althea Loderick, Chief Executive, London Borough of Newham
Ron Springer
Assistant Director of Resident Services and Business Support
London Borough of Newham
Address removed for email
11 January 2020
Dear Mr Springer,
Further to Newham Council's complaint response below, I respectfully ask you to uphold my complaint about Active Newham's serious reduction of my volunteer statistics. Please see the screenshots attached. Earlier this week I accessed my Active Newham profile to view the latest opportunities. My volunteer statistics then read: 126:15 Hours Logged; 126:15 Hours Confirmed; 21 Opportunities; 24 Sessions; 16 Thumbs Up.
Yesterday I was shocked to find that these statistics have been seriously reduced to read: 94 Hours Logged (minus 32:15 hours); 94 Hours Confirmed (minus 32:15 hours); 15 Opportunities (minus 6 opportunities); 18 Sessions (minus 6 sessions); 15 Thumbs Up (minus 1 thumbs up). My way to an Ace volunteer ranking has consequently been reduced from 84% to 63%.
Last week I received the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman's final decision that he has no jurisdiction to investigate my complaint of unfair treatment against Newham Council because the complaint that I will have to wait for up to 90 days for Active Newham to load my volunteer hours on the system is "akin to one relating to employment matters". I believe that the subsequent reduction of the volunteering I have done by more than 32 hours is nothing short of outrageous and appalling.
Yours sincerely,
Declan Heavey
Managing Director
Network for Church Monitoring
EU freedom for rough sleepers infringed - shock horror.
— Andrew Martin (@devonprof) May 14, 2018
From My Picks:
14 January: Newham Council's CEO Althea Loderick advises her Corporate Director of Adults and Health about Declan's volunteering at the Council. We are reminded of the last time Declan brought the Mayor of London-commissioned St Mungo's to court
What the issue in these court proceedings boils down to is whether the Court will decide that Declan and I should face the prospect of eviction back to the streets (a death threat) rather than St Mungo's take a call to confirm that we are clients of theirs, and that such a position is not harsh, unjust and unreasonable.
Our need for this support continues to escalate?
'Let me recommend an important web site Operating out of London this well-designed and exciting web site covers church-state, population, climate change and other issues. Check it out.' Edd Doerr, President, Americans for Religious Liberty