Saturday, April 18, 2020

Our Church and State website is down. SiteGround is paid $1,000 per year to host the site and manage the server

Dear Customer,

Our monitoring system has detected an issue with your hosting server and your website is temporarily down. At the moment, our system administrators are working to resolve the issue as fast as possible.

We will be regularly posting the latest updates about our progress and the status of your server in the Server Status Check section. While we are working on а resolution, we kindly ask you to refer to it for more details and not to contact our live support channels. It will ensure that our technicians are entirely focused on the resolution process.

We apologise for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.

Kind regards,

The SiteGround Team

18 January 2019: Our Church and State website is brought down in a unique way as soon as Declan emails a Nobel laureate this afternoon