Data the Greater London Authority-commissioned St Mungo's assured the court last year had been rectified is still being held by the charity under my name

Mayor of London Sadiq Khan.
Heavey v St Mungo's (2016)
St Mungo's Executive Director Dominic Williamson successfully had Declan's claim for £400 (in costs alone) dismissed by writing in a Witness Statement to the Central London County Court that St Mungo's were "keen to work with Mr Heavey to ensure that he remains securely housed and does not face homelessness again". (He also maintained and argued the point in two court hearings before two different District Court judges.) It took the scheduling of a preliminary hearing in October 2016 to have case notes from two meetings rectified by Williamson as Declan had requested all along; and that rectification only took place after a failed attempt by an international firm of solicitors, Osborne Clarke, to have Declan's claim struck out on the papers. The judge at the preliminary hearing dismissed St Mungo's application to strike out Declan's claim for compensation, and District Judge Avent's order dated 11 March 2017 does not state why he dismissed the claim.
20 February 2017: The Central London County Court: District Judge Avent dismisses Declan's claim against the Greater London Authority-commissioned St Mungo's that alleged the falsification and fabrication of data against us (WITH UPDATE 16/3/2017)
St Mungo's Executive Director Dominic Williamson successfully had Declan's claim for £400 (in costs alone) dismissed by writing in a Witness Statement to the Central London County Court that St Mungo's were "keen to work with Mr Heavey to ensure that he remains securely housed and does not face homelessness again". (He also maintained and argued the point in two court hearings before two different District Court judges.) It took the scheduling of a preliminary hearing in October 2016 to have case notes from two meetings rectified by Williamson as Declan had requested all along; and that rectification only took place after a failed attempt by an international firm of solicitors, Osborne Clarke, to have Declan's claim struck out on the papers. The judge at the preliminary hearing dismissed St Mungo's application to strike out Declan's claim for compensation, and District Judge Avent's order dated 11 March 2017 does not state why he dismissed the claim.
20 February 2017: The Central London County Court: District Judge Avent dismisses Declan's claim against the Greater London Authority-commissioned St Mungo's that alleged the falsification and fabrication of data against us (WITH UPDATE 16/3/2017)
For the attention of the Information Commissioner's Office
Dominic Williamson
Executive Director
St Mungo's
Address removed for email
16 August 2018
Dear Mr Williamson,
This morning I telephoned the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) about data you assured the court last year had been rectified by you but is being currently held under my wife's name.
The ICO told me that, in light of the court proceedings and your acknowledgement of my phone message of 1 August, I could write to them today. Alternatively, it was suggested that, if I wanted to try and resolve this matter without the help of the ICO, I could write to you and give you two weeks to respond.
Please could you respond to this email before 30 August.
Yours sincerely,
Declan Heavey
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dominic Williamson
Date: 4 August 2018 at 11:17
Subject: Your phone message of 1 August
To: Declan Heavey
Dear Mr Heavey,
I am on leave at the moment but briefly checked in and heard your message. I will look into the issue when I am back in the office on 14 August and will contact you as soon as I can after that.
Best wishes,
Dominic Williamson
Executive director of strategy and policy
St Mungo’s
4 August: Our dispute with the Mayor of London's St Mungo's service over enforced joint visits rages on. St Mungo's CEO Howard Sinclair remains vague on the issue.