Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Central London County Court: Will Declan have to make a complaint to HM Courts & Tribunals Service about the handling of his case? We still don't know whether or not the hearing scheduled for next Tuesday is going ahead. And by telecon or in person as Declan has repeatedly requested?

Our Church and State website has no less than 59 Nobel Laureates on it despite the never-ending assault on our email; see paragraph 2 under "Church and State" on this blog's sidebar (updated today).

The Central London County Court is based at the Royal Courts of Justice. The hearing of the Mayor of London-commissioned St Mungo's application to have Declan's claim struck out before Senior Circuit Judge Marc Dight CBE has been adjourned to a date to be fixed.

Claimant: Declan Heavey
Defendant: St Mungo's

What the issue in these court proceedings boils down to is whether the court will decide that Declan and I should live in a destabilised tenancy that inhibits our ability to exercise our rights and poses a threat to his life, simply because the Mayor of London-commissioned St Mungo's Tenancy Sustainment Team in North London (TST North) will not even take a phone call to confirm that we are clients of theirs. The court must surely find that this is not proportionate and lawful.

3 April: Declan's claim against the Mayor of London-commissioned St Mungo's before Senior Circuit Judge Marc Dight CBE has been adjourned to a date to be fixed. St Mungo's TST is still unwilling to even take a phone call to confirm that we are clients of theirs (WITH UPDATE 08/06/20)
Will Declan have to make this complaint to HM Courts & Tribunals Service about the handling of his case?

Re: Central London County Court

I still do not have confirmation that the application hearing scheduled for 30 June is going ahead. I also do not know if the hearing is going to take place by telecon or, as I have requested, in person. Can I ask that you contact me by phone or email to confirm details? The telephone number I have provided the Court for the hearing is my landline number which is usually disconnected. My mobile number is ***********.

On Mon, 15 Jun 2020 at 15:44, Declan Heavey wrote:
Claim No: F03CL589 Declan Heavey -v- St Mungo's, hearing 30 June at 10am

Dear Sirs

I still request that the above-mentioned hearing take place with parties in attendance at Court for the reasons cited in this thread. That said, pursuant to direction, I confirm that the telephone number I want the Judge to contact me on is 020 8470 3021.

I understand from speaking with Mr Nick McKnight, the legal representative for the Defendant, that it will be Batchelors Solicitors who arranges the telephone conference and must send an electronic bundle for the hearing by email to the Court and me by 4pm on the last working day before the hearing.

I trust Mr McKnight's bundle will include the Claimant's Reply to Witness Statement of Ilyas Hussein dated 11 December 2019.

Yours faithfully

Declan Heavey

cc: Batchelors LLP

On Wed, 10 Jun 2020 at 15:56, Central London County, Enquiries wrote:
Dear Sir,

Thank you for your email.

We can confirm that your email has been referred to a judge for directions.

You will be notified of the outcome of the referral shortly.

Kind regards

Central London County Court
Royal Court of Justice
Thomas Moore Building

Tel: 03001235577

Coronavirus (COVID-19): courts and tribunals planning and preparation

For information on how HMCTS uses personal data about you please see: https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/hm-courts-and-tribunals-service/about/personal-information-charter

From: Declan Heavey [mailto:dheavey@gmail.com]
Sent: 01 June 2020 10:41
To: Central London County, Enquiries
Cc: Nick McKnight
Subject: Claim No: F03CL589 Declan Heavey -v- St Mungo's, hearing 30 June at 10am

Dear Sirs

I write to request that the above-mentioned hearing take place with parties in attendance at Court.

On 25 March 2020, the legal representative for the Defendant wrote to the Court: "Our view is that an adjournment would be appropriate, and that it is not a matter which could be conducted by telecon due to the Claimant being unrepresented."

I followed this up with an email of my own to the Court in full agreement with the Defendant. I remain of the view that it is not a matter which could be conducted by telecon due to me being unrepresented.

There is also a substantial amount of new evidence that has come to light which connects the Defendant to the destabilisation of my tenancy. This evidence can be appropriately (and more effectively) introduced in a court setting.

I would be grateful for the Court's approval of a physical hearing in court on an appropriate date.

Yours faithfully

Declan Heavey

cc: Batchelors LLP

15 June: F03CL589 Declan Heavey -v- St Mungo's: Once again an autoreply from the Central London County Court is blocked and Declan has to make a run to the Post Office for recorded delivery

From My Picks

I have looked at the long correspondence regarding your tenancy and clearly you have made a powerful case for the unconscionable behavior of the agency in control of your tenancy.

Donald A. Collins
Founder, International Services Assistance Fund

Declan taught PE in Glenstal Abbey, one of Ireland's top schools.

2 June: In the Matter of: Mr. and Mrs. Declan Heavey. Declan receives a character reference from America for the court and this blog that completely and utterly discredits the Mayor of London-commissioned St Mungo's smear documentation against him in particular. We are in a flat that falls under the Mayor's Rough Sleepers Initiative

"Let me recommend an important web site churchandstate.org.uk. Operating out of London this well-designed and exciting web site covers church-state, population, climate change and other issues. Check it out." Edd Doerr (1930-2020), (then) President, Americans for Religious Liberty