Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Declan writes directly to RBS Chief Executive Alison Rose about new Network for Church Monitoring Standing Orders. How will it go in NatWest Stratford Branch Broadway tomorrow? (WITH UPDATE 12/2/2020)

Our Church and State website has no less than 59 Nobel Laureates on it despite the never-ending assault on our email; see paragraph 2 of this blog's sidebar under "Church and State" (updated today).

Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms formulates what is the core of free speech. "Everyone has the right to freedom of expression." In an important interpretation of this article, the European Court of Human Rights in Handyside v. UK (1976) indicated that this "freedom of expression" should be construed as follows. It "is applicable not only to 'information' or 'ideas' that are favourably received, or regarded as inoffensive, or as a matter of indifference, but also to those that offend, shock or disturb the State or any sector of the population". Such are the demands of that pluralism, tolerance and broadmindedness without which there is no "democratic society" (see Cliteur, 2010).

Declan has commenced court proceedings against the Mayor of London-commissioned St Mungo's in the County Court at Central London in the Royal Courts of Justice.

Declan can only hope for the best tomorrow.

Alison Rose
Chief Executive
The Royal Bank of Scotland Group

Address removed for email


11 February 2020

Dear Ms Rose,

Re: Network for Church Monitoring Ltd

I write further to my e-letter below to NatWest Branch Manager Tom McKeon of NatWest Stratford Branch Broadway. I copied you into that e-letter in the hope that the problems I encountered at the branch could be resolved tomorrow. I am afraid that these problems have subsequently only been exacerbated.

This evening I called into NatWest Chancery Lane Branch. The manager there first set up a New Standing Order on Network for Church Monitoring with an incomplete reference number (herein referred to as the "first erroneous standing order"). I explained that I did not want to provide Newham Council with an Amend Standing Order. The manager understood this and consequently provided me with a "Cancel SO" note for Mr McKeon tomorrow because she was unable to cancel the standing order on the day (please see document 1 attached). She then created two New Standing Orders, which I signed for willingly and without undue influence. 

However, despite my very best efforts to come away from the bank with proof of what I actually signed for, all I have to hand is, inter alia, a page 1 New Standing Order document with an incomplete reference number that was derived from the first erroneous standing order (please see document 2 attached), and a related page 2 Standing Order Details document with the full and correct account number that was derived from the first of the two New Standing Orders I signed for without amends (please see document 3 attached). I was repeatedly and forcibly told by one member of staff that if I wanted a copy of the page 1 details I actually signed for, I would have to accept an Amend Standing Order on the first erroneous standing order the manager set up! 

The manager showed no willingness to change the bank's steadfast position on this.

Tomorrow it is my intention to return to NatWest Stratford Branch Broadway in the hope that I can in some way come away with what I signed for this evening without amends, and that three erroneous standing orders (two from this morning) are cancelled. I would be most grateful for anything you may be able to do by way of taking measures that would be of assistance to me in this regard.

Yours sincerely,

Declan Heavey
Managing Director
Network for Church Monitoring

UPDATE 12 February (2.47pm): Declan called back into NatWest Stratford Branch Broadway this morning. The bottom line is that he came away without a printout of page 1 of the first standing order he signed for yesterday at NatWest Chancery Lane Branch. All he still has to hand is a page 1 with an incomplete reference number derived from an erroneous standing order from yesterday that was cancelled this morning. This, of course, is wholly unsatisfactory. I will update this post again when there is a significant development in Declan's pursuit of proper SO documentation for Newham Council - with time running out due to an increase in our salaries from the 24th of this month. I'm actually still in disbelief!

Yet, we are facing eviction because we run a website that criticises religion. http://churchandstate.org.uk/about/

From My Picks:

30 January: Newham Council: Today we learn that Declan lost 32 hours of volunteering earlier this month due to technical issues. We are still left asking, "What's next from the Council?"
Heavey v St Mungo's

What the issue in these court proceedings boils down to is whether the Court will decide that Declan and I should face the prospect of eviction back to the streets (a death threat) rather than St Mungo's take a call to confirm that we are clients of theirs, and that such a position is not harsh, unjust and unreasonable.

Our need for this support continues to escalate?

'Let me recommend an important web site churchandstate.org.uk. Operating out of London this well-designed and exciting web site covers church-state, population, climate change and other issues. Check it out.' Edd Doerr (1930-2020), (then) President, Americans for Religious Liberty